Deal Of The Week

Offer products for sale for a period determined by you, to serve as flash sale for your customers. Deal of the week is an e-commerce business model to reward your customers, as well as draw a lot more potential customers to your website. 

It works by allowing your customers get your products/services at a discounted price; with the product displaying the strike-through Regular Price and the discounted Special Price. This increase sales as it builds your brand loyalty and quickly sell surplus inventory. 

You also get to make creative or humorous descriptions about the deals, which add more attraction to the product put up for the deal.


  • How to create Deal of the week of an existing product
  • How to create Deal of the week of a new product


  • How to create Deal of the week of an existing product
  1. From your KitCart admin, go to Products >  All Products
  2. Select your preferred product and click Edit > Pricing
  3. Add discounted amount
  4.  Set the Special Price Start and Special Price End
  5. Save changes
  6. Click General
  7. Add a Short Description of the Product
  8. Add creative and captivating Product Content
  9. Select a Category, and where it is Featured
  10. Set Visibility and save changes  

Current Price is automatically set by the difference in the Regular Price and the Discount


  • How to create Deal of the week of a new product
  1. On your KitCart admin, go to Products > Add products
  2. Enter Product title
  3. Add Short description, Regular Price, Stock quantity and Weight
  4. Add a good quality image not more than 3MB
  5. Publish
  6. Click Pricing
  7. Add discounted amount
  8.  Set the Special Price Start and Special Price End
  9. Save changes
  10. Click General
  11. Add a Short Description of the Product
  12. Add creative and captivating Product Content
  13. Select a Category, and where it is Featured
  14. Set Visibility and save changes  

Current Price is automatically set by the difference in the Regular Price and the Discount.

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